Cdff Dating Site
Christian Dating For Free (CDFF) is the world’s largest Christian dating community for Christian singles! Our members love the CDFF app to meet and message each other for zero cost. It’s really free! CDFF has been the preferred Christian dating app since 2007 because:. we maintain high moral Chri. CDFF (Christian Dating For Free) Largest CHRISTIAN DATING app/site in the world. 100% free to join, 100% free messaging. Find Christian singles near you! Login Create New Account.
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LOS ANGELES, Dec. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- 'DatingSunday,' which takes place on Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021, is deemed to bethe busiest online dating day of theyear. According to CDFF 's recent dating poll,singles are connecting more since the pandemic. The survey of over2,000+ singles reveals users are choosing video chats andincreasing overall communication. Singles' number oneconcern is restaurants, and places to meet potential dates, areclosed. Other data of singles dating during lockdown revealshow singles are coping in one of the most unpredictable,unparalleled political, economic and socially turbulenttimes.
Carmelia Ray, CelebrityMatchmaker and CDFF's Brand Ambassador, observes,'Since the pandemic, I've been overwhelmed with requests tosupport people with their online dating efforts, and how to findinteresting ways to connect safely by video during thelockdown. Many singles share important key life values withtheir partner: their common practices and belief in faith andspirituality. It's not surprising improved communication skills areimportant to have and in high demand.' To gauge thetemperature of dating during lockdown, CDFF surveyed over 2,000+singles who've been actively dating. One of the biggest takeawayswas that Christian singles are more concerned about finding safeplaces to meet their match, instead of spreading or catching thevirus. While social distancing is encouraged and enforced, singlescrave physical connections and are more comfortable with videodates as a safe way to continue dating during thislockdown.
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Compared to the pandemic:
- 44% of singles feel that dating during the pandemic ispretty much the same
- 38% of singles reported being pessimistic while
- 19% of singles reported being more optimistic aboutdating during a lockdown
'Across the board, new-user registrations on both iOS andAndroid have sky-rocketed in the month of December. We are seeing anoticeable spike in activity day after day across all deviceplatforms, including desktop from thousands of new sign-ups,'said David Perez, CEO of EDating For Free, Inc.
The Christmas holiday season is a peak time for break-upsand likely the reason more singles are gravitating towards onlinedating. CDFF is the largest Free Christian Dating site withthousands of singles on the platform making romanticconnections, and forming new friendships. The desire to connectis a key motivator to avoid loneliness andisolation during the pandemic.
MEDIA CONTACT: Carmelia Ray,Brand AmbassadorCDFF, Celebrity Matchmaker & TVHost
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