Christian Dating Over 40

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Labels: christian dating, christian marriage, christian singles over 35 and 40, second weddings, weddings Wise Dating Advice For Christian Women Over 35 and 40 You can’t keep entertaining the wrong man expecting to receive the right one- Stephan Labossiere, Life Coach and Relationship Expert. Jul 06, 2021 Best Christian Dating Site for Over 40:: SingleRoots Recommends. If you’re looking for the.

Dr. Kevin Hogan posed an interesting question and premise in the comments discussion the other day in my blog post about the After 50 Dating among Christians and Catholics looking for their Soul Mate. He posited, “It would seem that being Christian and over say 40 or 50 is an advantage vs. just being over 40 or 50. And by advantage I mean that people will find something they highly value in another. Is this the way it works out in the real world?”

And wouldn’t you know it? The answer is a little bit yes and a little bit no. While studies show that the faith in which you were raised you will likely retain your whole life, I have not seen studies which show the movement some people have within their faith.

What of Christians who move within denominations? With the increase moving and location migration that Americans now make over a lifetime, Christians will often start to look for a church of their precise faith when they move to a new home. But there may not be an exact match. So, sometimes they migrate to a non-denominational church.

A cradle Episcopalian may find herself drawn to the more “modern” style of the Christian Praise and Worship style of worship.

While a Conservative Baptist may find he loathes that kind of music and as his church moves to 100% of their services featuring that as the Senior Pastor who always used to include a few hymns retires and the younger style of worship takes over his church, he leaves for a local liturgical church that plays hymns. Then he misses the Baptist Men’s Bible study and simply looks to form one where he is. It’s interesting to see the Biblical Evangelical Christians moving from their churches to the more liturgical churches of the Episcopalians, Lutherans and Methodists. They often still retain their beliefs about “salvation” and “grace” which are at least somewhat different than liturgical churches.

So what then is the core of your faith which as a Christian or Catholic Single that you do indeed absolutely require in a Soul Mate to share with you? Sometimes it is no longer the label of your denomination which let’s say, 20 years ago, was THE short hand that you would have had in your Soul Mate’s Essential Traits list. (btw that list better be short or you’re dreaming about ideal people and not a person who is real)

So long as your beliefs about How You Get to Heaven are aligned and in essential agreement, a number of Christians and Catholic Singles are finding that they can accommodate a much broader range of variety and expression of religion in their Soul Mate. Funnily enough, we were more in a rut and more rigid about precisely what you had to be when we were younger. Often that is because we are also at the time planning on having children together and raising them. So more precisely alike values are more essential when you’re planning on raising children because you naturally want to raise them in an aligned parents who are in agreement and not usurping each other daily basis. Talk about a sure method for chaos at home.

What does that mean for you as a Single Christian or Single Catholic when you’re dating in the after 40, 50, and 60 dating pool? Reflect and know yourself. Really know your own values. You may find they have refined over time. Write and Journal about them a bit to know what are your core beliefs now. Be able to talk about them a bit, because you will need to be able to do so with your dates. And then, within that range of who and what is truly you, go exploring and looking for love. And keep a BIT of an open mind about precisely who and how God will place them crossing your path. You might be amused. Certainly at this time of year with Lent and Easter, there are more Adult Studies and Bible Studies Groups, and more services. Go to a few other churches.

Stretch open your mind and your heart, and love will fill it.

Happy Dating and Relationships,


April Braswell

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When you’re in your 40s and seeking an online dating site, you’re going to be in one of two situations:

  1. You’re single and have never been married.
  2. You’ve been married before and attempting to get back in the saddle again.

Either way, when you’re in your 40s and looking for an online dating site, the criteria used to evaluate those sites can differ from the criteria used by 20- and 30-somethings. Many of them are into mobile-only apps like Tinder or Hinge, which are location based and connected to their Facebook accounts. While novel in the world of online dating, those mobile-only apps cater primarily to that younger crowd so they’re not super helpful for people in their 40s. That doesn’t mean you can’t find someone while using them, it just means it’s going to be more difficult than if you were in your twenties.

Forty-something Christians are probably less interested in the cool factor of an app or how many dates they can go on anyway. They’re more concerned about simply finding people who love Jesus and will commit. For them, price matters, but then again it doesn’t as long as it results in marriage.

Then there are those of us forty-somethings who want the entire package—a modern, well-designed site, a lot of match options, relatively inexpensive memberships, and matches who love Jesus and will commit. We’re not asking for too much, we don’t think…

It doesn’t matter what your motivation is for finding the Best Christian Dating Sites for Over 40 because we’ve got you covered. We’ll break it down for you by various categories so you can make an educated decision for yourself about which one might be the best option for you.

Ready? Let’s take a look at how the 5 sites we’ve declared as the top 5 in Christian dating measure up—eharmony,, Christian Mingle, Christian Café, and Christian Crush.

Who Has the Most Forty Something Users?

For some, the number of members a site has is the single biggest factor when considering an online dating site. The way they see it, online dating is a numbers game, and the more the merrier…er, the more options they have, even if the database consists of more than Christians.

eharmony has been around since 2000 and makes over 15 million matches a day. They consider their core demographic to be 35-65 year olds who are interested in marriage.


Match was the first of the online dating sites, having been launched in 1995 and has around 10 million users. Nearly half of Match users are in the 30-49 year old age bracket, and the 50+ crowd is their fastest growing segment.

Christian Mingle came on the scene in 2001. It bills itself as “the largest and fastest growing online community of Christian singles.” As of 2016, it had over 9 million registered users.

So considering those numbers, if having access to the most matches possible is your priority in your site for Christian Online Dating Sites for Over 40, then Christian Café and Christian Crush probably won’t be the best sites for you. Conducting nationwide searches for both sexes on both sites will net you a couple of hundred matches each. While you’ll probably mainly have like-minded Christian matches on those two sites—because they are specifically targeting Christians—their user base is fairly small when compared to the Big Three, eharmony, Match, and Christian Mingle.

SingleRoots Recommendation: eharmony,, and Christian Mingle

Which Site Is the Easiest to Use?

So you weren’t a part of the latest generation that grew up with cell phones in their hands since birth? Ok, but you are a part of the generation that saw Al Gore invent the internet, and you probably had dial-up access and an email account in your early- to mid-twenties. So, you’re not exactly new to technology. However, you are a busy person and you don’t have time for online dating sites that have a large learning curve. We hear you, and we’re here to help.

While it may take 15-20 minutes to take the personality inventory for eharmony, hands down it’s the easiest site out there. That’s probably because you don’t get access to the entire database of eharmony users. They send you an average of 7 matches per day for you to peruse and you decide if you want to converse with them. Because you’re not conducting daily searches, eharmony is a pretty straightforward, easy-to-use site for both the technologically-challenged user or the tech-savvy one. The profiles are easy to read and their matching process is easy to understand., Christian Mingle, and Christian Café have a slightly larger learning curve because they come with more search options, chat features, as well as other bells and whistles. That’s not to say that those three sites are difficult to figure out, but it does take a little more time and effort to understand all of their features when compared to eharmony.

Christian Crush is fairly straightforward, too, but it’s not as user friendly. The site involves more than online dating (Christian Counseling, marriage seminars, and porn seminars are also offered), so it can be a little cumbersome to find the online dating portion of the site. Once you’re in the site, conducting a search is simple enough, but the user experience could be better. Things like enlarging photos and returning to the home page need work. They also offer the option of uploading a video to your profile, which is a nice option that the others don’t have, but it might prove to be slightly difficult for some users.

SingleRoots Recommendation: eharmony

Which Sites Are the Best for Finding Christians?

So one would probably guess that the sites with the word “Christian” in the title are the greatest options for finding the best Christian online datings sites for over 40. And that’s true…for the most part. Keep reading, though.

Using a site that specifically targets the Christian demographic, like Christian Mingle, Christian Café, or Christian Crush, is a good way to wade through the non-Christian matches on an online dating site. Granted, not all of those “Christian” sites are going to deliver Christians, let alone Christians that have the same level of commitment to Christ that you have, but they are a good start.

The problem goes back to the numbers conversation we had earlier. Christian Café and Christian Crush just don’t have the membership numbers that the Big Three—eharmony,, and Christian Mingle—have. Christian Mingle has the largest user base of the sites that specifically target Christians. Again, that doesn’t mean every user is going to be a Christian—not everyone tells the truth on the internet and not everyone defines the term “Christian” in the same way—but Christians are the demographic the site is targeting, nonetheless.

Christian Café has been around since 1999, and although we don’t know exact membership numbers, we do know that our research shows searches significantly less members in several age groups. However, the site does boast that they’ve seen over 25,000 marriages from their site.

If you’re in the Colorado area, Christian Crush might be a good option for you because it is located in Colorado and their user base relies heavily upon local singles. That’s not to say that it won’t work for those living beyond Colorado, but the chances are far less if you live elsewhere.

While eharmony isn’t a Christian-specific site, there’s something to be said for their personality inventory and your personal management of your match settings. Over and over, we hear from Christians who have met their spouses on eharmony more than we do from any other online dating site. Sure, you will be given the occasional non-Christian, but if you control your settings correctly, you’ll find their algorithm is pretty good about sending you Christian matches.

SingleRoots Recommendation: eharmony, Christian Mingle, and Christian Café

Which Site Gives the Most Control?

One of the arguments we hear against eharmony is that users aren’t allowed access to the entire database of eharmony. And that’s true. The algorithm matches you with users that fit your settings, as well as your personality. There’s also a “What If?” feature that you can scroll through to determine your interest in matches who don’t quite meet all of your setting criteria, but that’s the extent of your ability to control eharmony.

The other 4 sites—Match, Christian Mingle, Christian Café, and Christian Crush—allow you to search their sites fully to see all of their matches at any age. If the ability to view, search, and communicate with anyone and everyone is of utmost importance to you as you search online for dates, then you’ll be pleased with any of those four.

SingleRoots Recommendation:, Christian Mingle, Christian Café, and Christian Crush

Which Sites Have Mobile Options?

We live in a mobile world. Most of you are probably even reading this post from your phone or tablet, so it stands to reason that you want your online dating on-the-go, too. The good news is that all of the of the sites except Christian Crush offer fully-functioning mobile apps that allow you to view matches and communicate with them from your phone or tablet.

SingleRoots Recommendation: eharmony,, Christian Mingle, and Christian Cafe

Which Site Is the Cheapest?

It goes without saying that these are paid online dating sites and they’re going to cost you something. But you’re not a struggling twenty something anymore and you’re willing to pay to find serious Christian matches, right? Some of the sites are more expensive than others; however, if you check our coupon block at the bottom of the page, we update it whenever we’re notified of new discounts that might help offset your quest to find love, true love.

Best christian dating

Another thing to remember is the more months you sign up for, the greater your discount will probably be. Experts will tell you it takes a good 3 months, on average, to find something meaningful online. A one-month membership is a little short-sighted because it takes a little while to figure out the site, start communicating, and learn what you are and are not looking for, so keep that in mind when you’re determining the best site for you. But, if online dating makes you nervous, a one-month membership is a good way to get your feet wet and try it out.

It’s a fact that eharmony is the most expensive site on the list. One month on eharmony, without a discount, can run you nearly $60. But if you sign up for a year, you can see those monthly rates drop to around $20 a month., Christian Mingle, and Christian Café are usually similarly priced and run under $35 for a one-month subscription and can go as low as $15 for longer subscriptions, if not lower.

Christian Crush comes in the lowest priced, charging $14.99 for one month, or going as low as $8.33 a month for a 6-month subscription. If you upload a video on your Christian Crush profile, you can receive 2 weeks free.

SingleRoots Recommendation: Christian Crush

Best Christian Dating Site for Over 40 :: SingleRoots Recommends

If you’re looking for the best Christian dating sites for over 40, it’s our recommendation that you try eharmony first.

Our research shows that more Christian singles are using eharmony and finding marriage on that site than any of the others. and Christian Mingle are good alternatives, but the eharmony personality assessment, along with strict setting options about religious preferences, help to insure more like-minded matches are delivered to your inbox instead of you having to wade through thousands of profiles to search for them. Granted, you won’t have as much control over your selections and it will be a little more expensive than those other sites, but there are going to be downsides no matter which site you choose. Ultimately, the Over 40 Crowd is the heart of the eharmony demographic, so you’re going to have more matches than the twenty somethings anyway.

While certainly imperfect, we think you’ll find your time and money are best used on eharmony, so we recommend it as the best Christian online dating site for over 40.

And to help you get started, here are the most up-to-date deals we are aware of for each online dating site:

Current Online Dating Deals:

Last Updated: 7/6/2021

eharmony (USA Offers):

eharmony (Canada Offers):

eharmony (UK Offers):

Relationships Over 40


Christian Dating Advice For Women Over 40

Christian Cafe:

Best Christian Dating Sites Rankings

21 Dating 40

Monthly Price RangeNumber of MembersEase of UseChristian FiltersBest Deal Link

$19.95 to $59.95
Tip: How to Get an eharmony Free Trial
HighSimpleExcellent25% Off Any Membership! Use this link with this code at checkout: SINGLEROOTS25

Read Review

$12.49 to $29.99HighSimpleFairBrowse Zoosk for Free!

$16.99 to $32.99HighOption-OverloadGoodReview your Christian Mingle matches for free!

Read Review

$8.99 to $34.97MediumOption-OverloadExcellentEXCLUSIVE 17-Day Free Trial! Use this link with this code at checkout: SINGLEROOTS17

Over 40 Dating Apps

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