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Hebrew Israelite Dating Website
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Greetings, House of Judah/Israel/African Americans,
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am King David/Travis Refuge. A Hebrew Israelite of the Tribe of Judah. I am born of Royal Blood from the most recent popular now deceased Emperor of Ethiopia, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I of the Tribe of Judah whom sat on the Throne of King David of Israel. I am the great grandson through his elder son Asfaw Woosen Selassie I named Emperor in exile after my great grandfather was executed in 1974 by the Derg of Ethiopia .
Now that my grandfather is passed also and the season/reign of the Gentile/Caucasians is over, I AM (The God Of Israel/Negroes) has commissioned me to bring the children of Israel beginning with the tribe of Judah (residing/captives within the borders of the United States of America, the so called 'African Americans,') back to the land of our ancestors, the beautiful Promised Land of Israel.
On Thursday April 23, 2015, the Spirit of the Lord visited me all night, urging me that it was time for me to release the message that he had given me for Israel/Judah/'African Americans' and the Church.
The mission given to me by I AM is to establish a system in the Earth to bring the Children of ancient Israel back to the Promised Land of Israel which our ancestors were expelled from approximately two thousand years ago. At this time I seek to release information to Hebrew Israelites whom are called, 'African Americans,' and all others so called, 'Blacks'/Hebrew Israelites, whose ancestors were scattered throughout the World as slaves and captives.